Friday Question #130 - Your Last Reread

Happy Friday, Readers!

What was the last book you reread? How many times have you read that book?

My last reread was Gone With the Wind. I think I’ve read it three times now. I usually reread it about every 10 years. I honestly don’t really reread books but I just love Scarlett!


Flowers for Algernon. Read it three times so far, and I still cry each time…

The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare, I first read it as a young teen. I just recently read again because my daughter bought it at a used book store for me for Christmas-not knowing I had read it a long time ago. It was still a fun read. There were parts I didn’t remember, so it was like reading a new book.

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Twilight :sweat_smile: I know a lot of people hate it but I will always love it. This was my fifth time reading it since 2008


The Gunslinger by Stephen King - read 3 times

The last book I reread was The Winter of the Witch by Katherine Arden. I’ve read it in full a couple of times, but most of the time I just return to my favorite scenes.

The Color Purple! On my 3rd reread

I’m rereading Micheal J Sullivan’s series Legends of the First Empire! First reread since all the books are out, but I’ve read the first three books about 3 or 4 times now.

I just started rereading The Talisman by Stephen King. While it’s not my favorite book of his, it does hold a special place in my heart as it was the first ever “grownup” book I checked out once I got my adult library card.

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I reread most everything. I have enough of a pile to read for the first time right now but I’m looking forward to getting through it so I can revist some favorites.

The last book I re-read was The Catcher in the Rye. My daughter was reading in for school so I did a read along with her. I also re-read Lord of the Flies with both of my kids as well as other school required books…The Odessey, The Great Gatsby, Of Mice and Men.

The Wedding Dress Sewing Circle by Jennifer Ryan
I’ve just finished it.
I don’t often re-read books as I have plenty of unread books to keep me busy.

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Honestly, I don’t re-read books; there are just to many to read the first time

I loved the witch of blackbird pond as a teen. Haven’t read it for quite awhile. I think I still have my copy from school. Don’t reread much. But Christmas vows 5$ extra have read several times.

This is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper and THE BANYAN TREE by Christopher Nolan.

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The last book I reread for a buddy read was Baby Teeth.

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The last book I reread was probably when I was five years old. It was THE GATEWAY TO STORYLAND by Watty Piper.

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I only remember the title because I still own the book.

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Presently, it’s Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.