Friday Question #40: Do you finish every book you start?

I finish 98% of the books I start.

I give the book until page 150 and if I still can’t connect, I stop.

Too many books out there to keep reading something I am not enjoying.


Usually, but if I’m not feeling it after about 50 pages I give up.

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I am guilty of pushing myself to do this. Even if I have to set a book aside for literal years, I will finish it. My reasoning is that I want to give a book every possible chance to redeem itself, and also, it just gives me anxiety when I DNF a book. I’m trying to be easier on myself about this now that my TBR is growing at an exponential rate. I will hardly have enough time to read all the books I own let alone reading books I’m really not enjoying.


No. There are too many good books to waste time on books that I don’t like.


No…I used to, but don’t want to waste precious reading time on a book I am not enjoying.


No, I don’t. I used to force myself to finish but now I just stop UNLESS I’m 50% done. I will finish it then.

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Hi there. Yes, usually I finish reading books to the end, in rare cases when I do not like a book, I may not read it further.

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I finish most books that I start. I seldom DNF a book. It has to be really badly written or completely uninteresting to me for me to not finish. However, I am not opposed to the DNF shelf. I don’t think people should keep reading anything that is going to put them in a slump.


I am always very hesitant to DNF a book. There are so many times I thought I wanted to stop reading and I pushed through and I absolutely loved the book. An example of that is the book, Room. I couldn’t get into it but then I did and it was amazing.


If I bought the book – this is a non-issue because obviously I wouldn’t have bought it if I thought I wouldn’t like it. I won’t waste money or gift cards on books I don’t think I would like. That is why I stick to preferred authors and genres when buying. Those books ALWAYS get finished!

If I won it as a prize (review not contingent upon a review, like here on BookishFirst) and didn’t like it – I will skim after I want to give up, review appropriately. I will add that I “felt like it was a burden to finish”. I usually give it, depending on how many pages – 25% to get interesting.

If I won it here – I will DNF. I MIGHT short skim if I have the time. I will state that I couldn’t finish it and why. After all, the books do have to be reviewed to get the points to get more books. Again, 25% limit.

If I am required to review it (never positive, but honest – usually “TOURS” ONLY [ JustRead, Prism, Kate Rock]) – it depends on where I got it from. Some places require that you read the entire book to review it. Some state that it is okay to not continue, but state why you couldn’t finish it in the review. But, I’ve never had to DNF one of those books. One I wish I had. But, of all the books I’ve read – that was rare.

One place – Interviews & Reviews does require I read the entire book and explain the situation in the review, being kind about it.

If I borrowed it from the library – I will DNF, delete from Goodreads, and not review it at all if it isn’t worth the time to write a review. Same 25% limit applies.

Otherwise – all books get finished. And, I do agree that life is far too short and there are too many books to waste time on a bad book.

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No, I don’t finish every book. If I get to about a third of the way and still don’t care; off to donation. Very rarely does that happen. I’m just not going to waste my time. So many books, so little time. :wink:
In doing so I find what kind of books I don’t care for; like sci-fi fantasy.

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