Friday Question #56: Do you judge books by their covers?

Yes, sometimes. If the cover is displayed and attracts my attention, then I will definitely pick it up. If the cover is unappealing then I will probably bypass it, unless the title intrigues me.

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No should I love to read the back of the book

I do find myself judging books by their covers A LOT. I am drawn to several different types of covers. Especially covers that have neon, flowers, flames, swords, and MUCH more. :sweat_smile:

Yes, and no. The cover may get me to pick up the book, but the description will be what gets me to buy it.

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Unfortunately yes. And even though it really doesn’t determine the story it really sets the tone.

Always!!! It’s legitimately the first thing you see besides the title so don’t lie and say you don’t because books at the library on the shelf only show spines.

Yes and No. Book covers will draw me in to read the what the book is about. If it sounds interesting, I pick it up. Covers also let me know (most of the time) if the book is a fantasy-which I don’t care for. I have read some books with a great story but ugly covers-like “Promise Boys”.

Titles are important to me, that too will draw me in. There are books with great titles, but are stinkers to me. “Who Killed Jerusalem”.

Cute story: I aways told my kids when they were little to buy used books for me (birthdays, Christmas
) because of price. My son told me that he picked out books that had tan covers, because when he looked at my bookshelf he saw a theme of color. I actually wanted him to read the covers to see if I’d possibly like the book. Most of his books turned out ok.

Judge is a little harsh, but I’m certainly more drawn to books with nice covers.
If there is a dragon or an octopus on the cover I will read it.