Thank you - my book has arrived!

Check & Mate arrived today via UPS in TX

I received The Marvellers today in NC! Thank you!

Now waiting on I Fed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is In Me (think that was the title, could be wrong). Please let me know if anyone gets it.

Btw, loved The Marvellers. Did anyone else love it? I couldnt put it down and read it in a day. I really think itā€™s the only book that has ever come close to matching up to Harry Potter (if anything can). What did anyone else think? I thought the author was more detailed than Rowlings even, when it came to the magic and even the scenery. I know she talked about snow flavored like sugar cookies (I believe it was either sugar cookies or sugar, will have to make sure on that one though). Regardless though, when I read that I thought it sounded like the most wonderful snow, so unique to flavor it like that.

Still waiting on my copy of I feed her to the monster and the monster is meā€¦luckily I was also approved for an audiobook version through Netgalley so I listened to that and really loved it but would love to read it physically as my ADHD didnā€™t help me focus super well on it while only listening to it instead of reading and listening at the same time.

Has anyone received their copy of ā€œI Feed Her to the Beastā€¦ā€? The short turnaround time and the fact that mine hasnā€™t come yet has me sweating. :sweat_smile:


Not yet. Iā€™m hoping it gets here soon!


Hopefully it gets here this week since we only have 2 weeks to read it now!


No havenā€™t gotten it yet

Still waiting on my copy of ā€œI Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast is Meā€


I got The Name Drop today via UPS in TX

I received The Name Drop today via ups in West Virginia. Its also a finished copy.

I got The Name Drop today 8/17 in RI, finished hardback :slight_smile:

The Name Drop arrived 8/18 in central Arkansas - finished hardback

I havenā€™t gotten it yet either

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I just emailed support the other day to see what was going on


Itā€™s odd because I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast is me comes out next Tuesday and no one has their hands on it yet which is concerning for points and general reviewing purposes.


Anyone get The Beast yet? The last book the same publisher shipped was late too but not this late!


Nope :frowning: Hopefully soonā€¦

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I emailed them they said they would reach out to the publishers. I know everyone is getting worried since itā€™s almost a week away. I got a book from the same publisher that was supposed to ship on the same day early but not this one. Itā€™s very strange.


It was The Marvellers, right? I swear that book had a different ship date that was earlier and it changed. I remember worrying about it. But I could be wrong. However these guys are usually late.