What color book do you go for?

What is the book color you tend to gravitate more towards because at the library you mainly only see the spine of the book unless it’s on display?!

White if it’s there bc it stands out. But most of mine on my shelf are black.

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I’d say I go for pink and blue books mostly.

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red is probably my favorite since it is my favorite color, but mostly I’m drawn to images versus abstract art that is so popular these days

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I’m usually attracted to striking colors like orange, and luminous, and especially if there’s a black book cover, I’ll immediately get them because it feels so different and beautiful in a way.

That’s a toughie. My son says when he picked out books for me at the Library sale, he went to the tan colored spines for me. As I look at my bookshelf of keepers I notice I go for pastel colors and/or neat pictures.

Blues and greens, in any shade. They seem to be what I gravitate towards.

Alot of books I reach for are blue. Also, many have a gown on the cover.

I love covers with light blue, to be specific.
And if the title includes the word “Sky” “World” “Ocean” “Water” “River” or “Sea” that’s a huge plus too. :wink: