A Phoenix First Must Burn Bonus Giveaway šŸŽ‰ [CLOSED]

I loved that one, by far the best ARC Iā€™ve received to date.

Itā€™s my goal every year to re-read To Kill A Mockingbird. I still havenā€™t read it since the 9th grade.

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I read this when I was younger and as soon as I finished the first book I begged my dad to drive me to the bookstore so I could immediately get the second!

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The book that impacted my the most was Night by Elie Wiesel I read it in English class in 8th grade I believe and I loved it. It sparked a love for WWII era historical fiction.

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The book that impacted me most was The Giver. It was one of the first books that I remember really connecting with and making me think about the world around me.

The book that impacted me the most was Beloved by Toni Morrison. I remember reading it as a freshman in high school and being heartbroken by the story, yet loving the writing and story. Began my love of all of Morrisonā€™s work

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The book that impacted me the most was Howlā€™s Moving Castle.

Iā€™ve read it more times than I can count. The book is so much more mature and insightful than the movie (which I also love). Sophie is such a relatable character and her curse is explained more in the book.


The book that impacted me the most was Dr. Suessā€™s One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue fish because I learned to read with it!

The book that impacted me most was To Kill a Mockingbird. It still resonates with me 50 years after reading it for the first time.


I remember Alanna: The First Adventure (and the series) as the first book that really got me into reading as a kid and that has continued into my adulthood.

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The book that impacted me the most was ā€œShattered by Dean Koontz.ā€ Now iā€™m ready to read a new author.

The book that impacted me most was The Farthest Shore by Ursula K Le Guin. I read it around the time my mom died, and that whole series helped get me through that part of my life.


The book that impacted me Percy Jackson and the Olympians. I was already interested in Greek Mythology, but this helped me realize how important the imagination is.


The book that impacted me the most was probably the darkest minds trilogy by Alexandra Bracken, just the struggle that the MC went through trying to figure out how to control her power and she was afraid of herself but in the end she stayed true to who she was,itā€™s a very memorable book for me in so many ways.

The book that impacted me most is Hope is the Last to Die by Halina Birenbaum. Sad but very powerful. I read it many years ago and still think about it.

The book that impacted me the most was Harry Potter and the Sorcererā€™s Stone. I stumbled upon this book at a loney depressing time in my life. It was such a wonderful escape from reality and renewed my love for reading.


The book that impacted me the most was Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach.

The book that impacted me the most was IT by Stephen King.


The book that impacted me the most was a book I read at the beginning of November called What is a Girl Worth? by Rachael Denhollander. In her memoir, she heartbreakingly takes readers on a journey through her sexual assault by the hands of famed Olympic team doctor, Larry Nassar. She shares how the trauma effected her, and eventually travels to gaining the strength to speak up against her abuser. Nassar was eventually found guilty of child pornography possession and multiple counts of sexual assault.

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The book that has impacted me the most is The Girl with the White Flag. I first read this book when I was about ten years old, and itā€™s a story that has stuck with me several years laterā€”it is a must read, in my opinion.