AMA with Priscilla Oliveras Author of Anchored Hearts

Hi Priscilla, I’m wondering who some of your favorite authors are, and are you part of any kind of author support group who read each other’s works and offer a critique of one another’s writing?

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I was curious if you already have the rest of the series planned out or if you were still working on the storyline and characters?

Have you always wanted to be an author? And what inspired the Keys to Love series?

Hi! My question is what was it that inspired you to write this book?

I am currently reading Anchored Hearts ARC…really enjoying it. Surprisingly I do like the switching occasionally to Spanish, even though I do not speak it. You did a excellent job writing in the translation into the story. Was it hard to keep that balance so all could follow along with the story?

Hello! Are you more of a plotter or more of a fly by the seat of their pants type writer?

do you have any tips to get past writers block, especially when it’s caused by fear of not being good enough?

Hi! I loved Island Affair and I can’t wait for Anchored Hearts! Who are your favorite romance authors and book? Are any of them an inspiration for your own books? Also how many books are you going to write in Keys to Love series? Thanks :slight_smile:

What’s your inspiration for this amazing series & how many books have you planned out for it?

What are some of your favorite reads?

I’d love to know if any traits from people you know made it into the characters in this book.

Are you a good sailor and if so is it sailboat or powerboat?

Hi Priscilla! Do you ever listen to your own audiobooks?

Hi Priscilla! I was wondering… how much input did you have in creating the cover?
I just love it so much! I always wondered if the publishers came up with 5 or so covers and the author just chose… or if they have a back and forth with tweeking to match your vision!

What draws you to write romance?

What books are on your nightstand?

What upcoming release are you most excited to read?

Are you a pantser or plotter when it comes to writing?

What is the first book you fell in love with?

Hi, Priscilla, since you write romance novels, what is your idea of a perfect date?

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Enrique’s story will be next in the Keys to Love series, but I’m wondering, is there a story brewing in how the Miranda or Navarro parents met?