AMA with Priscilla Oliveras Author of Anchored Hearts

what’s your go to snack and/or drink while writing? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hello Priscilla!
What is it like being an author during a pandemic? Is it harder to be creative when there is so much emotionally happening or rather do you find that it is an escape? Thank you for your time~


What got you into writing?
How do you deal with writers block?
Do you get to help choose a cover?


Hi, Priscilla. First things first: Are you a plotter or a pantser?

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Second question: What do you find is the hardest thing about writing?

Third question: How many unfinished manuscripts do you have in your laptop?

What are your favorite beach reads besides romance?

Hi Priscilla
Do you have any advice for aspiring authors? What inspires you to write?

Hello, Priscilla. I just wanted to know what was your inspiration or that first spark that had you start writing Anchored Hearts?

I’ve been a reader since the Fernandez sisters books, and one of my favorite things about your books is the warm and loving families. Would you mind sharing why this is something you keep returning to? How do you think having a supportive family changes the character arc for your characters?

The food in your books always sounds so delicious, do you love to cook?

Have you picked up any new hobbies during the pandemic?

Hi! I was wondering what the writing process was like? When you were in a slump what helped you out of it?

What gives you inspiration when you write?

I loved Island Affair and can’t wait to read the next in the series. What’s your favorite romance you’ve read, or even just your favorite book in general?

Hi Priscilla!

What are some titles that you’ve read recently and loved that you think we should read?

Also how many books do you anticipate will be in the Keys to Love series?

What aspects of your own life has inspired the story telling process of your novel?

Hi Priscilla! I really loved both Island Affair and Anchored Hearts and can’t wait for the rest of the series! My question is who are the protagonists of the next Key of Love book going to be? (Please say Enrique!!!)

Hi Priscilla! I’m interested in the writing process for romance specifically. How do you decide which tropes to explore? Is it something you go into a MS with an idea of, or does it develop as you get to know your characters?

Hola! Firstly, thanks for sharing your work with us! I would like to ask:

  1. How has your heritage influenced your writing?
  2. What was the spark in your life that led you to become an author?
  3. Are there any Latinx authors who’s work you admire?