BookishFirst Summer of Giveaways (Fiction Book Bundle #5) ⛱️

I try to read as many as I can, but it varies a lot. Some months I read 0 but other months I read 10+!

I am disabled and my only child is 19 and doesn’t need as much of my time as she used to so I read all day long. Like many of you, I too have several books going at one time, in multiple formats as well (mostly ebooks, with a few physical books and an audiobook or two for days when my headaches are too severe to allow me to read). All told, I probably read 30-40 books/month.

I try to read at least a book a week because my job keeps me so crazy busy - generally I’m in the 4-6 books a month range!

I typically read 20 books per month

I usually read or listen to around 10 books

I usually read 7 or 8 books a month.

I read between 5-10 books a month.

I generally read about six to ten books a month, depending on the month and the books.

Probably 10 on a good month

Lately I’ve been reading one or two books a month, but as a kid, I could read four or five or even more a month!

Busy months, I can get in 2 or 3 :frowning: But I try to make much more time and get through 8-10!

25-35 is my average for books read in a month

I read 6 or 7 books a month, at least one or two of those is an audiobook. I was reading more but I went back to work in mid-May. So far this year I’ve read about 55 books. Plus I read a daily (paper) newspaper!

On average, 4-5 books a month (i.e. one per week).

I typically read 2 books a month, but on a really good month I can knock out 4-5 books.

I usually read 4 to 5 books a month depending on the length of them.

I usually read 7-8 books a month.

I try to read at least 10 <3

I usually read at least 10 books in a month!

I would have to say between 15 and 20 books!