BookishFirst Summer of Giveaways (Romance Book Bundle) 💌

Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren!

Anything by Kresly Cole!

I don’t remember the title, but it was one of those old-school Viking warrior captures fair maiden tales. Hooked me on the genre! I’d love to track down the name of (and a copy of ) that book!

The selection by Keira Cass

The Blue Castle! But I am always looking for new books

Gone With the Wind made me a romance reader. Also, the Outlander series!

It ends with us made me a romance lover!

While it’s not strictly a “romance” novel, The Shell Seekers was my first love.

Unhoneymooners had me hooked!

Romance book that made me a reader - Gone with the Wind.

In high school, long before many of you were around, my sister and I discovered the Angelique books by Anne Golon.

Twilight. Does that count? ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ ⊙﹏⊙

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The first romance book I ever read was the selection, and ever since then I’ve been wanting to read more and more romance books. I think it my favorite genre!!

I read other romance novels growing up ( Nicholas Sparks, etc) but really loved the romance, adventure, history and science in the Outlander series! Looking forward to the next book coming in (I think?) fall!

The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez

I am not a fan of the traditional romance genre, but I do love a good rom-com! Nicholas Sparks’ enchanting tales are my favorite.

I am a die-hard romance fan!! The first book that turned me into a romance fan was The Marriage Lesson by Victoria Alexander for historical romance and Manhunting by Jennifer Crusie for contemporary.

I am not sure if I even remember which book made me fall in love with romance. I loved Danielle Steele books. I remember reading Zoya. Thank you for the opportunity.

The first book that was specifically just the romance genre that made me fall in love with the genre was Forget Me Not by Brenda Jackson. However, the Matched series was what made me love romance in books.

The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory made me a romance reader! Before that I would never pick up a romance.