Copying Other Reviews?

I went in today to see what other people had to say about one of the recent reads and found that another reviewer had copy/pasted my review with minor word changes, presumably to get feedback points for free future books. As an author myself, I’ve had people do this with my books through other platforms, and it feels like a disservice to the creator… plus, if you’re going to copy a random review, why pick a negative one? Authors rely on reviews to help their books succeed and find the right readership. I hate the idea of a writer dedicating so much time an energy to their work only to get hit with negative copy/pasted reviews from people who want free books they’re apparently not planning to read. I’m aware that most people on here aren’t doing that, but if you don’t read the book, at least don’t tank the ratings by sharing someone else’s opinion, you know? :tired_face: I doubt this even applies to anyone in the forum but it bums me out.


Wow! That’s horrible! I never imagined someone would do something like that. I don’t blame you for being bummed.

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That’s terrible. I don’t think that has ever happened to me, but I’m not sure.

Hi! We’re sorry to hear about this issue - could you reach out to our support team and let them know so we can look into it?


I’m sorry that this happened for several reasons. I always appreciate honest reactions, and we all know that not every book is loved by every reader. But to copy and paste a negative review just seems particularly all wrong.


I was going to suggest that! I’m sure Bookish First doesn’t want to award points for plagarized reviews. Their customer service is GOOD and I bet they’d address it if you report it!


I did and they did… thanks, I don’t think I would have reached out to them if I hadn’t seen people’s responses here. :purple_heart:


Wow that’s awful

I noticed a few of the “recent reviews” are people sharing they only read prologues or are excited by excerpts. People do some shady stuff on this site but the majority seem to be good eggs

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BookishFirst resolved this particular issue. In terms of what you’re noting I think some people post placeholder reviews on the site as soon as they win the book, and then come back to edit them after they’ve read the books and before they post to other sites. I do think most people are doing this because they love reading and want to help books succeed. All of the interactions I’ve had with people on the forum, etc., have been lovely. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I am so sorry to hear about this and am glad that the BookishFirst Support team was able to help you.