Do you use reading journals?

Do you use reading journals? If yes what’s your favorite and what do you use it for? I want to get one but not sure of what exactly I’m looking for.
Ps: Does anyone know of a reading journal that has a space for multiple entries on one book? I would love for a space for my thoughts before reading, during and when completed.

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I made a word doc that I track my reading in. I have headings for each month, sub headings for each title, then each entry is title, author, rating, tags (I do a few silly ones, age categories, fiction/nonfiction, and then how I read it (ebook, audiobook, physical book)), and then a paragraph on my thoughts.

I only use Goodreads at this point, in part because of the sheer volume that I read. I thought about transitioning to Storygraph but it would take me so long to move everything over, and I’d STILL use GR to post reviews, so I never did… plus, I’m not organized enough for a handwritten one. :joy: I’ve seen some really cute idea on TikTok, though. Any reason not to just do a regular journal and format each entry the way you want?

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Just curious, what advantages does storygraph have over Goodreads? One of my biggest cons against journals is that there’s not enough space for all the books I read. I would make my own but I’m not creative or organized enough.

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I use a reading spreadsheet that I made so mostly just that and then Goodreads for book covers to add to my bookish year in pictures sheet

What do you write in it?

Books Read and other stats

Story graph tracks more data about the types of things you read. I find the data interesting, and it gives you some insight into your reading habits… mostly just for fun. If you’ve ever used BookSirens, it’s kind of similar to the breakdown that shows up there: what percentage of your reads are in specific genres, graphs of the publication dates you tend to read, etc. That information sometimes encourages me to read a bit more widely or try genres that I only dabble in. It’s also pretty easy to join and track different types of reading challenges with other readers. FWIW, you can also leave partial-star reviews (like 3.5 instead of having to choose between 3 and 4). For me, it’s not worth the effort of doing everything twice, since I pretty much have to use GoodReads for ARCs anyway. But if you’re looking for other insights into your reading habits, some of the tools are cool.