Friday Question #17: How many books do you read every month?

I read about 30 books per month with each book averaging 300 pages. I usually read a book a day, but migraines sometimes put me behind.

Usually 6-8, sometimes more depending how much grading I have to do. :relaxed::relaxed:

Usually between 5-10 per month but I read so much other things too such as newspapers, magazines etc. It also depends on the length of the book. For instance I am reading War and Peace right now so this month will be more pages but less books.

It depends on the month, but Iā€™m anywhere from 6-10. Lately itā€™s been closer to 10!

I am retired and keep my grandson 4 days a week, so I read between 27-30 books a month.

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I would say I read roughly 4-8 books a month. Possibly more depending on the number of pages. I tend to read large novels, but if I have times where I read shorter novels or novellas I can read upwards of 10-15.

Has anyone elseā€™s reading suffered this month with the current climate?

I try to read at least 1-2 per month. When I have more time I read more. I donā€™t know how people can read 10 books in a month. Thatā€™s impressive.

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Being retired does help. I canā€™t see myself reading as much as I do if I were still working.

If you are retired, it gets easy. If I were working, I donā€™t think I could read as much as I do now. Of course audiobooks let you ā€œreadā€ with your ears so you can multitask (chores, hobbies, etc.)

I can read about 8 per month depending on the # of pages.

I generally read about a book a week. Iā€™m sure if I spent more of my free time reading, I could increase my speed and finish sooner. I usually read at home, on the train/bus, and at work whenever I get a chance. Books that have me hooked, I will usually make time for because I canā€™t put it down. Books that I am mildly interested in usually drag me down and take me a bit longer to slog through.

I can read 10 or more in a good month, if not a good month, maybe a handful.

I try to read at least 6 books per month to help me get to my goal of 75 books per year.