Friday Question #205 - Books in Verse

April is National Poetry Month!

What’s your favorite book written in verse?


I don’t read poetry, but I have just recently started trying a few books in verse and I enjoy those more. So far, I have only read a couple of younger books, but they were both really good - Starfish by Lisa Fipps and Alone by Megan E. Freeman. (Readers should be aware that there is a scene of animal cruelty in Alone. It is quick, but it came as a surprise and you are reminded of it.)


I’m not a big fan of novels in verse in general but I liked Burned by Ellen Hopkins (she has a ton of other ones), Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo, and Shout by Laurie Halse Anderson. I read Louder Than Hunger by John Schu for that square.

Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo is very good as well.

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I love Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds

I don’t like books in verse at all. I’ve tried reading them, and they bore me to death.

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Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds.

Inscrutable, mysterious, challenging OMEROS by Derek Walcott.