Friday Question #210 - Bookish Goals for May

Happy Friday!

Do you have any bookish goals for May?

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My bookish goals for May would be to finish the books I’m currently reading as I’ve started multiple this month. I also have a few titles I’ve added to my list from my current internship, one being Liz Prato’s “Volcanoes, Palm Trees, and Privilege”.

Keep going in both ISLAMIC EMPIRES (depressing, yet informative, so I press on)
and VICTORIAN POETRY, staring with Tennyson. Will soon complete MRS. ROOSEVELT’s CONFIDANTE
and I Will Judge You by Your Books. Enjoyed #WERATEBOOKS.

My May TBR List

Contemporary Romance
Saved by the Mountain Man

Alien Sci-Fi Romance
Alien in Disguise (Forbidden Bonds #5)
Protected by the Alien Mercenary
The Naga Hunter’s Lost Mate (Serpents of Serant #0.5)

Fairy Tale Retelling
An Enduring Hope (Hope Ever After #10)

My May goal is to finish this book that has put me in a reading slump since January! IDK why but I can NOT for the life of me ever DNF a book and I can only read one book at a time. On the other hand, I have so many new ARC’s waiting for me, it’s giving me anxiety just thinking about it, since my deadlines are coming near. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I read 2 books in the beginning of this month and now I am in major Reading Slump!! but it’s in time with my Mid Exams so it’s a WIN-WIN :rofl: My goal is to finish reading all the ARCs due this month​:heartpulse:

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