Friday Question #218 - 2024 Reading Goals So Far

Happy Friday!

We can’t believe it’s already July! How are you doing on your bookish goals for the year?

I’m doing well! I have read 50 books so far this year, which puts me ahead of where I thought I would be and I’ve read a few books that I wanted to read just for me, not for challenges, book clubs, etc. I’ve also been careful about not requesting too many early copies of books, unless they are ones that I really want to read, so I’ve been able to mostly keep up with reviews. Overall, I’m pretty happy with my reading goals so far this year.

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Not too well. Thought I’d reaD A TON after January foot surgery which kept me OFF my feet & housebound until late April. But I couldn’t concentrate on much.Only read 2 or 3 books! Since then I have been better.Just finished Paul Doiron’s new one ‘Pitch Black’, & awaiting Deborah Harkness’s new one #5 in series.Also finishing one I started in February.Lots of new books being published this summer. ENJOY EVERYONE!

My reading goal for 2024 is to read 30 books, and so far, I’ve read 15. This means I’m halfway to reaching my goal. I’m on track, but I need to maintain a steady pace to achieve it by the end of the year. The books I’ve read so far have been a mix of fiction and non-fiction, keeping my reading experience diverse and enriching. I’m looking forward to discovering more great books in the remaining months.


I am doing pretty good with reaching my 2024 reading goal so far this year.

My Goodreads Goal says I am at 59%
Storygraph Says: 51%

Unfortunately I am behind on my Fanfiction reading for this year though. :books:

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Can’t believe it’s July already! I’m on track with my reading goals, though I’ve had to mix things up with some new releases.


I’m at 110/150, very ahead!

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