How Many Books For 2019?

My goal for 2019 was to read 250 books,I made it to 200 yesterday! Very proud but It’s time to rest the eyes! How many did you read? And that’s not counting the ones on my kindle!

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I made my reading goal of 31, surpassing my 30 book target. I did not get to read more because of my studies. Hopefully I can up my count for 2020☺


There’s nothing wrong with what you read,even 31 is a lot . I am disable so I don’t have a life like you do,I have my crocheting,the tv and reading. I have MS and its very hard for me to walk so I sit on my bottom a lot or am laying down in the bed. 63 years old and I Still have my sight and my mind so I’m doing really great. When I was ur age I didn’t have time to read or it would take me months to finish a book so 31 to me is a lot for all your activity and you have a life. Lol,.I am happy and I keep busy just the walking part is hard. Merry Christmas. What are u studying?


My goal was for 50 and I’ve read 70 so far.

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31 is a lot of books. That’s more than one a month. Some people don’t even bother reading the one. Plus you’re in school? I say you’re winning. lol


I only read 30 books this year as well, my goal was fifty, but I ended up lowering it. I do think it’s a lot, especially when you’re a student.


200 is amazing! Way to go! I’m at 95 so far. Only set 30 for this year and then found NetGalley, this, and other book sites and went off the rails :joy: And way to go to everyone else too! We all have different things needing our time so any reading we can do is a wonderful thing :yellow_heart:


Nice to meet you I live in Fla.

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lot from Net Gallery also and my Library

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I am disable with MS,so I have a lot of time on my hands!

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Haha discovering the Overdrive app got me into so much trouble. My library system allows me to check out 10 ebooks from 7 systems :joy:

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I’m a stay at home mom, so even though there are kids, there’s no work distractions for me :slight_smile:

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Been there ,done my tour of duty with two boys!! Was a single mom,when that started was working a full time job,the boys were 2 and 4… We struggled but we made it!! I didn’t have any problems with the boys,God sure was watching after us… Then when they were 10 and 12,we switched,the boys went and lived with their dad and his new wife. I got in turn the visitations but I thought that the boys at that age needed their dad but it worked out great they were living like two blocks away. My husband was on disability then so be was there full time for g and them and I still worked. This arrangement worked good,and I was paying the child support as when I had the boys he paid. A lot of people thought it was a strange arrangement,a woman paying child support but it as only fair. Then oh my gosh,you have up your children,No,I did not!! It’s Just that I had a really good paying job,my ex was getting disability not only for his self but fur the two boys and it wasn’t much. This way the boys didn’t go without anything. This was way back in 1994,or so but it worked for our family whether we were still married or not! Like I said I had visitation and we really didn’t stick to it,I about saw the boys every day instead of every other weekend! It’s nice in see they are wanting to pass a law that maternity leave will be 3 -6 months instead of 6 weeks that I got! I as able to stay home with the first he was about 15 months old but didn’t get that when the second was born,ex left had to work to support the three of us so I got to the point,so sorry how you feel about our arrangements,it works for us,the boys are happy and that’s all that mattered to me!! Now,30 and 33 ,they are well adjusted doing just fine. I love with the oldest cause of my MS,and the youngest is a hour away and do see him twice a month cause of his working schedule but talk every day!!

Yea me too plus check out Hoop la,just use your card numbera nd all you need It’s your card #! They have books,movies and tv series

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To certify as an electronic medical record specialist.

A tour of duty is exactly what it feels like some days :joy: It sounds like you are very blessed with those boys! Oh it does go by so fast :sob:

Ooh I downloaded Hoopla but I haven’t used it yet because I’m so behind everywhere else :joy:

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I had set my goal this year to 60 books because I read 65 last year when that goal was 50. Unfortunately, I was apparently in an almost year-long slump that I’m just now starting to get out of thanks to the Winter Magical Readathon, so I lowered my goal to 25 instead. Just four books left until I reach it. If I don’t, it’s no big deal.


You probably have a busy life,I dont! I’m disable so there are so many things I can do,it’s a really good thing I love to read! Some time if I don’t read for a few days I just crave the words! I have learned a lot,I have learned new words,New meanings to the words,forget about spelling them but I try to use the words after I have learned them but its sometimes hard to come up with a sentence ,but I’m trying! My legs may not work like I would !ike them to or my body but thank God my mind still is!!

My goal was to read one book a week, and I’m currently at 80/52 :slight_smile: