Quarantine motivation

I keep hearing about people who are having a hard time reading during the quarantine. What helps you to “unwind” to read a book? Mediation? Turning off the TV/phones? Reading before bed?


I’ve heard that having a routine helps, so like reading before bed for example, but it doesn’t have to be. I used to read while commuting, but since I don’t commute anymore, I’ve also been having a difficult time reading. I personally need to be pretty focused to read, so I make sure to socially distance myself (lol) from my phone and computer before starting.


While I definitely don’t have this issue, I can’t read if I’m really hungry. :joy: I end up biting my lip without realizing it which is no fun!

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I’ve been reading a lot before bed or just when I wake up. I try to keep my phone away from me too. I have a daily page reading goal that I want to achieve, which I don’t always meet but it’s something I can check off my to-do list and reading becomes a small highly enjoyable thing that I can feel productive about.

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Reading is the last thing i do for the day, after I’m hunkered down in bed. No interruptions, quiet time. I read until my eyelids are closing, then turn off my device. I can’t seem to sleep well if I don’t read first. Even if it’s just for a few minutes.

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I hope y’all are getting on okay, reading and resting and staying well balanced. I enjoyed reading each post previously made…

I am finding that my attention span reserved for reading is a heck of a lot smaller. And, maybe it goes without saying, but my tolerance for dull details in stories that I am trying to read is very short fused as well. I think quarantine reading has become more of a chore now for me. But when I find books I get hooked into, it’s easy to read for hours without realizing because of quarantine routine…


reading is how I unwind. I cannot imagine not reading, no matter the circumstances. I try to get in a least a half hour if not an hour everyday


I usually read in the morning with my coffee and at night. I try my best to pick up a book every week, but it’s hard as I find myself more distracted now.


I hear ya loud and clear. I’m Very easily distracted now.