Readalong: The Queen's Assassin (possible spoilers)

Is anyone else reading The Queen’s Assassin yet? I’m about 100 pages in and enjoying it. Thoughts?

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Reading! :wave: the first 100 pages are entertaining, betond it gets slow.


I agree! I flew through the beginning and then it dragged middle/end. It was a 3.5 Star read for me, well-written, good characters/romance, but too predictable.


Wow, I thought maybe I was the only one who’s thinking it slowed down a quarter into the book.

I’ll just be reading this holidays, I am still short of 15 books to my GR goal.

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I’m reading it right now as well and about halfway through. So far it’s not my favorite but I’ll finish it and leave my thoughts at the very end.

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So predictable and so disappointing!!