Rec-a-Read Game 📚

BookishFirst readers have the best book recommendations! Are you looking for a specific type of trope, genre, or mood in a book to read? Play this game with us:

Share a very specific type of book you’re in the mood to read and then respond to other readers with a book recommendation they would enjoy because it fits their prompt.

I want to read a pirate fantasy with a strong female heroine
I want to read a historical romance that isn’t sent in England
I want to read a closed circle mystery novel written by a person of color


I want to read a YA sci-fi set in space written by a person of color or an LGBTQ+ author

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I want to read a royal romance :crown: :heart:


The Bridge Kindgom by Danielle Jensen

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I want a steampunk romance that may not be as well known.

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The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer has more than one royal romance!


A Princess In Theory by Alyssa Cole is a good one!


The selection series is really good!


I want to read a steampunk pirate novel with a female main character… especially if she’s the captain of an airship.

I’m looking for a YA time travel book


Nordic King by Karina Halle!

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I have not read the series yet, but I’ve heard that the River of Time series by Lisa Tawn Bergren is good!

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I don’t know if it’s necessarily time travel, but Opposite of Always by Justin A. Reynolds has a time-loop situation.

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Oh that looks really good! Thank you!

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Thank you!! I will look into it.

The American Royals series has some good romances in it!

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I want to read a children’s classic! I’ve definitely been in the mood for these lately.

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I want to read a space opera with horror elements.

My favorite children’s classics are A Little Princess, Anne of Green Gables, The Secret Garden, and the Wizard of Oz.

Contagion by Erin Bowman!

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