TBR planner- app suggestions

With 2021 upon us, I am pretty sure everyone has a number of books in mind- goodreads challenge, book clubs etc. I have been searching for an app which can help this planning easy- a monthly TBR planner/book journal app. Any suggestions?


I’m a Franklin Planner gal. So I’m using it to not only plan my reading, blog posts scheduling, but also daily tasks and appointments.

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I much prefer physical planners over digital, so apps aren’t really for me. If you’re looking for a planner, however, I can’t recommend Passion Planner enough. I’ve been using their planners for over 2 years now and I’m seriously in love!
Many of my friends use the Goodreads app, it has all the features you mentioned and it has a handy book scanner to quickly add books to lists.


I’m planning to use the Always Fully Booked planner by Little Inklings Designs, but for daily to-do things I use To-Doist


I have found the ReadMore app (Andriod) has really helped me schedule my reading (ARCs, reviews, and most importantly my TBR). I also digitally annotate quite often so this has has been a lifeline for me. It also has a reading reminder function that may be helpful (I have not tried this feature personally)


I have a physical planner on my desk for my arcs, reviews and TBR pile that I would be lost without.

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I am a member of a book club so I have one book a month to read. I keep track of the books that I read, but I do not have a planner.

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I started using StoryGraph recently and they let you list up to 5 books as “up next”.