BookishFirst Holiday Party ❄️

:gift:Over 40 reviews​:gift:
:sparkling_heart:Most read genre - YA​:sparkling_heart:
:books:40 books read this year​:books:
:baby_chick:Favorite Bookish First book of 2020 - Sparrow​:baby_chick:


:gift: 1. favorite review:
:gift: 2. total reviewed books: twelve.
:gift: 3. number of wins: two.
:gift: 4. most read genre: horror. (i think)
:gift: 5. exciting book stat: finished sleeping beauties by stephen and owen king, a 702 page book which is a huge deal for me lol :’)


I need to get better about doing reviews!! I haven’t won any raffles yet. I’ve read 188 books so far this year and I’ve mostly read thrillers and YA sci-fi/fantasy. Can’t wait for all the new books coming out!!! Hopefully I get some books as :gift: this year :crossed_fingers:t2:


My BookishFirst stats :gift::
I’ve reviewed 25 books and my most read genre is thrillers. Thanks!!

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  1. Lets see, I reviewed 7 books on BookishFirst, shared 10 reviews.
  2. I think I won 3 raffles.
  3. Most read genre is romance.
  4. I’ve read over 366 books this year and will add a few more before the year ends. My goal was 366, a book a day.

I wish everyone a happy reading and a kinder, easier 2021.



I am not sure about my Bookish First stats, but I will have a lower stats this year than last year (probably 25 books read this year).

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:gift:It was a tough choice but I think my favorite review was of The Shadows. It’s also one of my top 5 books of 2020 for sure.

:gift:My total books reviewed is 14 with 38 first impressions given.

:gift:I’ve had 5 raffle wins and 3 claimed books so 8 total from Bookishfirst this year.

:gift:My most read genres were kind of a tie between speculative fiction/fantasy and thrillers.

:gift:This was an interesting year because I originally had my Goodreads reading challenge set to 35 but by April/May I was flying past that so I upped it to 50 and nooow im at 60 and I still plan on finishing at least 2-3 more books before the year is over!
My Goodreads 2020 Year In Books


Favorite review: Veronica (The United States)’s review of Fairy Godmothers, Inc.
Total books: 5
Raffle wins: 2
Most read genre: Jane Austen retellings? :gift:


Happy Holidays everyone! I am new to the site but I hope to review many books in the coming year! My most read genre this year is literary fiction, followed by horror.:gift:


Reviewed 15 books on BF, shared 27 times on other sites
Won 15 books
I love historical fiction/historical romance the most
I’ve read 110 books so far in 2020.


I loved Notorious too! 350!!! Wow!

I’ve won or claimed 18 this year I believe. I’ve reviewed at least 30 on the site. My favorite so far is Skyhunter

I’m at 261 books so far for 2020!!!


Favorite that I’ve won or claimed:

Reviews total: 11

Books won/claimed: 12

Most read genre: Probably Fantasy or YA

Total Books read: 66

Favorite book of the year: there are tons, but we’ll go with Finale by Stephanie Garber.


My most exciting book-related stat is that I read over 110 books this year! I want to try doing 150 books next year. 🎁


My favorite review was To Sleep in a Sea of Stars!

I’ve reviewed and won 20 books since I started!

My most read genre was Thriller/Mystery. :gift:


Such a vast array of reading habits and insights. Thanks to all for sharing!
·Every Last Fear by Alex Finlay:
·14 reviews shared
·12 raffle wins / books claimed
·My reading year was all over the place in regards to genre
·12,851 pages across 49 books
·You can find my year of reading here:


I’m new to bookish first this year, so I don’t have much to share :slight_smile:

:gift: I’ve only reviewed two books on Bookish first!
:gift: I won/claimed four books this year!
:gift: My most read genre this year is dystopian!
:gift: I am one book away from finishing my Goodreads goal this year!


I didn’t get around to writing reviews because most of the books I was lucky enough to win got stuck at my parents house and I couldn’t get to them. But I did get two out of the five that I was excited to win and they were interesting reads! Winning a BookishFirst raffle is like Christmas multiple times a year! :gift:
My most read genre would have to be YA, or maybe action-adventure (which I guess could also fall in the YA).
I hope everyone have a happy and healthy holiday season, no matter what holiday they celebrate, and have a better 2021!

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-1 :gift:
-I read mostly YA

  • I read 103 books this year!

I’m still pretty new to BookishFirst but I just won my first raffle and it was the first one I’ve entered here. Thank you BookishFirst!!

I’ve also only posted one full review and one first impression… so far. :wink:

In total, I’ve read 25 books this year with a goal of 30. Next year I’ll read more. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Favorite genre: Fantasy :heart: