BookishFirst Summer of Giveaways (Fiction Book Bundle #2) 🔔

My go-to genre if I want to escape has to be either Sci-Fi or Dystopian.

My go to genre is mystery/thriller!!

My favorite genre is psychological thriller. I love the twists and mind games in those stories.

My go-to is mystery! I love being kept on my toes and having that gasp out loud when something happens. Thank you :slight_smile:

My favorite genre is memoir - I love being inspired by other people and their experiences.

My go - to genre is physiological thrillers. I love that the end result is usually totally unexpected and I love anything that keeps me guessing and wondering what’s going to happen next.

M go-to genre is always some light-hearted contemporary or fantasy, so I can escape from the roubles of my day!

Romance. The conflict is usually stupid and easily overcome which makes for a stressless read :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Fantasy is my favorite genre to escape into! It’s fun to read about different magic systems and worlds.

Mystery is my genre of choice when I want to escape.

Hmmmm… Probably historical fiction. Not too long ago, but I like being able to be surrounded by the beauty of a lot os HF books. :smiley:

My go-to genre for escapism is fantasy. I love escaping to worlds unlike our own.

My go to genre is fantasy and YA fantasy when I need an escape. I need a new world built that I can just fall into and enjoy.

My go to go genre is fantasy because of its iconic characters and beautifully crafted worlds. :star_struck:

My go-to genre is usually YA fantasy!

Go-to escapism is challenging or experimental literary fiction that leans bleak. It takes all my focus and emotion, a total escape from reality.

Mine would be either romance or mystery, depending on my mood!

My go-to genre is and has always been thrillers! I love getting sucked in, trying to figure out “whodunnit”, and going for a crazy twisty turny ride!!

I also have a soft spot for beachy reads…I love the beach and my parents house at the beach is one of my most favorite places to sit and read, so reading a beachy story always takes me to my happy place!

My go to genre is romance because I can go into so many subgenres with it

My go to for escape purposes is paranormal romance