BookishFirst Summer of Giveaways (Fiction Book Bundle #2) 🔔

My go-to escape genre is thrillers. I love the pace of them and trying to figure it out before the end!

I am a historical fiction junkie!!

I’m new to this so I’m not sure if I do this right but my go-to escape genre has always been fantasy. I have always loved fantasie and the more unrealistic, the better. And The Rib King by Ladee Hubbard sounds pretty interesting.

Recently I have been loving enemies to lovers but in the real word. The Hating Game is a perfect example, an office rivalry turned romance. I used to not like reading these books but now I run to them lol!

If I want to escape it has to be a rom-com. I just want to laugh sometimes.

I usually escape into fantasy, but sometimes what I need is a good romance - either romcom or historical.

Science fiction is my go-to!

Before it was definitely fantasy but recently it has be contemporary romance.

Thrillers and mysteries!

My escape genre is usually mysteries by a few of my favorite authors like Louise Penny, Craig Johnson, CJ Box etc. But fiction that is well written and historical fiction is my next in line. i Have gotten into classics over Covid period and many of this fall into the mystery or fiction category. I like mysteries that are well researched. As a nurse don’t be killing people with made up health stuff!

My go to genre to escape into lately has been murder mystery!

Romantic mysteries are my go-to genre of choice…bonus points if it’s historical! :slight_smile:

I don’t have a go-to. I just read whatever looks good to me at the time.

My go-to genre is fantasy/classics!

My go-to genre is anything YA or fantasy!

I have been really enjoying historical fiction and thrillers lately. My go-to is romance though!

My go-to genre is horror!

My go to escape genre is paranormal romance/adventure or YA dystopian.

I have a couple go-to genres and they are thrillers and graphic novels. If I’m looking for something quick, I’d go for a graphic novel but it I want somehing that will take a day or two, I’d pick up a thriller where I find my love of reading as an adult.

My go-to genre has always been science fiction. Currently I’m reading alternate history. That can be mind-blowing.