Has anyone received....?

I haven’t seen anyone mention that they have.

Also still waiting on sun memos

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I just received Sun Memos in Virginia

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Update: sun memos received today.

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The Amazon/Goodreads/B&N pages aren’t on the submit reviews page for sun memos so here they are:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/sun-memos-Ziggy-Alberts/dp/0648705765
Goodreads: sun memos by Ziggy Alberts | Goodreads
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sun-memos-ziggy-alberts/1145561127

And it has an updated release date of May 28, 2024

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I still haven’t gotten “Devil is Fine” in PA. I’ve seen two or three people say that got it more than a week ago… wonder if other people are still waiting on it, too, or if mine disappeared.


@katnortonwriter When I was emailing them about it they mentioned that the publisher shipped out a bunch of copies. If you don’t get it in the next couple days I would email them.

I’m still waiting on this one too. Hopefully they’ll arrive soon!

I haven’t gotten it yet either. I reached out to BookishFirst who said they would let the publisher know.

I’m waiting on it too. I have a package coming today - hoping it’s Devil is Fine.

Hello! Just wondering if anyone has received Humor Me? Today will be two weeks since the shipping date. I think the website says to reach out after 2 weeks, but the email from Bookish First says to reach out after 2 months if it hasn’t been received. How long should I wait before I reach out?

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@jaderafallo I would reach out the last several raffles have been really delayed and I know several people are still waiting for books. I and several others are still waiting on Masquerade and that was initially expected to ship in April. Others are still waiting on Devil is Fine.

BookishFirst says to reach out after two weeks. If two months have elapsed, there is nothing they can do if you initiate a new ticket. But yeah, a lot of things are behind right now. Pinging them at 2 weeks urges them to get in touch with the publisher to see if something’s up. Hope this helps!

I haven’t gotten it either but I have noticed stuff has been taking longer so I’m not too worried about it yet. Also due to where I live in California, mail generally takes longer for me to get.

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Has anyone received The Devil is Fine?

@brireads I have and a couple others have but if you are still waiting email them. The last several books have been really delayed.

Received ARC for Masquerade today in Illinois

I also have not, and emailed to ask. I was told they’d look into it but it might be on a case by case basis at this point, so I do recommend emailing. :slight_smile:

I am also in PA and still waiting … 4 weeks as of today from delayed shipping date

Has anyone gotten a response from Bookishfirst about Humor Me?