Shipping Information

The ship date changed on the initial post to 10/14. I really hope we get them before release day.

Still havenā€™t received my copy of Strike the Zither and it pubs in 2 days. And since Amazon seems to require 3-5 days minimum to process a review, this should be a fun week. :roll_eyes:

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Received it yesterday on publication day.

Still havenā€™t received Locust Lane which was supposed to ship mid-November. No update on here and have sent two emails which didnā€™t really answer anything. They say they canā€™t help after 2 months, which is quickly approaching. Iā€™m guessing I wonā€™t get it at this point.

@anon62634823 A number of us did email them and they said they would contact the publisher. I and many others have since received Locust Lane. I would email them. If you search I created a thread about this.

Thanks - I have emailed them twice. Their last response was they had no further update. Iā€™ll give it another few days I guess

Hmm that is so odd. I just saw on their instagram more people are receiving Locust Lane. Hopefully you get your copy soon. Others have said to sign up for informed delivery through USPS and UPS. I have received books via one of those services. With UPS it will usually say you have a package from the specific publisher.

Yeah hopefully!! Thanks for the info!

No problem! I hope you get your copy soon.

Iā€™m still waiting for promise boys.

@bookishfirst_team I havenā€™t received the copy of ā€œThe Headmasterā€™s Listā€ and I see the estimated ship date was February 10th. The expected publication date is February 28th which means I am probably going to end up missing out on earning those 300 points for the Amazon review if it doesnā€™t arrive soon. Also, I used my 2000 points to get this book so if I donā€™t receive it I definitely think those points should be refunded to me.

They donā€™t really read these. Reply to the email that you won. Iā€™ve always gotten a quick response that way. Though itā€™s usually oh sorry weā€™ll reach out to the publisher. But at least it puts it on their radar.

I still havenā€™t gotten Who Killed Jerusalem.

@vangalap Email them directly.

Has anyone received ā€œHidden Cargoā€ yet?

No. Iā€™m still waiting on it too. I hope our copies arrive soon!

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Has anyone received Kissmat connection?

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Mine arrived on the 19th (upstate NY). It was shipped via UPS from Harlequin.

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I recently received my copy of Kismat Connection.

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Still waiting for this book

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