Shipping Information

Wondering when your book will arrive? In this topic we collect all the information about the shipment of the raffle books (Estimated Ship Date and any delays/issues*).

Below is a list of closed raffles with shipping information (we update this list every Tuesday). Click the book title and the ship date will display:

The Notorious Virtues

Estimated Ship Date: October 21st, 2024

When the Bones Sing

Estimated Ship Date: October 14th, 2024

The Otherwhere Post

Estimated Ship Date: October 7th, 2024

Everything is Poison

Estimated Ship Date: September 30th, 2024

*indicates a delayed ship date

After the raffle ends and the winners have been drawn, we provide the publisher with the names and addresses of the winners. Please keep in mind that the book will be shipped directly from the publisher, once it is available to send.

Sometimes it can take a little longer due to shipping delays or book availability issues, so don’t be alarmed if your book hasn’t arrived right away.

When your book arrives, you can help us (and your fellow winners!) by replying to our “Thank you - my book has arrived! - #2” topic.

Also, please note that we cannot provide assistance on tracking or replacing books once 2 months have passed since the Estimated Ship Date. Also, BookishFirst and the publisher are unable to guarantee the condition of books on arrival due to the shipping process. You may request a replacement book only if the delivered book is un-readable.

Remember! You should ensure that your mailing address is up-to-date before you enter a raffle. Once you have been selected as a winner, we cannot ask a publisher to replace a book sent to an incorrect address.

Thanks so much!
The BookishFirst Team


I’m waiting on The Queen’s Assassin to arrive.

@bibliomatter here’s the topic I was referring to. They should be able to assist with any shipping issues. Hope this helps!


I am also waiting for the Queen’s Assassin

I am still waiting on Great and Precious Things

I’m still waiting to receive Great and Precious Things. The Estimated Ship Date is long past and doesn’t seem to have been updated. I’ve missed the window for extra points for reviewing near the publication date. Is there any word on shipping of this book? Is there any discussion about crediting those of us who used our points to “buy” this book, at least for the points we’ve now lost due to not being able to review near the publication date? I’d appreciate any information anyone might have.

Well then, can we request for the ebook version if we prefer it?

Oh no! A delay with The Kinder Poison. Craps. I used my points for that one too.

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I used my points for The kingdom of Liars it is delayed as well. Don’t worry you will still get oh it’s just going to take a little longer.

Waiting on Goddess in the Machine still. I know there’s a delay though…

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The Orphan Collector was to have shipped on March 31. It is now the 20th of April and I have not yet received my copy.

I also have not received The Orphan Collector…the information provided is confusing, since the original ship date was Mar 31th, and it still has expected delay as TBD. My assumption is that is probably hasn’t shipped yet. Luckily it seems that the publication isn’t until Jul 28th, so we should still have plenty of time to read and review it even if it’s a couple months late.

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Definitely in bummer town right now! My very first win (Jo & Laurie) and it’s delayed :pleading_face:
I was and am so excited to participate in the BookishFirst community so I do hope that the publisher can ship sooner than later!


I’m waiting on The Good Marriage which is being released in a week. I’m hoping I get that. I still haven’t received The Other Sister either. :frowning:

Is there an updated ship date for The Orphan Collector? I spent my points on that and just want to be sure it hasn’t been lost in the mail.

Me too for both of those!!! Glad I’m not the only one who hasn’t gotten them :frowning:

I’m also waiting on The Good Marriage! :sob:

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I reached out to support about The Half Sister because it says it was estimated to ship on April 3rd. A week ago they told me they’d check with the publisher and told me I could check here for shipping delays. There’s no delay listed and I have not received another response from support even though I sent a reply back asking if they ever heard anything from the publisher about my book.

Same here, I sent two emails and they said they would check with the publisher. I still haven’t heard back anything either. I hope we still get it because I used my points to get the book.

I’m also waiting for A Good Marriage. Just checked and now it looks like there is a shipping delay. :weary: